Thursday, 12 June 2008

Cystic acne the natural treatment that actually works

It’s hard finding a finding a good natural treatment, especially for cystic acne. I know, having previously suffered from cystic acne. And having previously tried nearly every acne product in existence. However, let me show why I think I’ve found the best natural treatment for cystic acne.

Firstly, this product is 100% natural, no chemicals what so ever, zip. The last thing you want is to inflame your acne even more. That’s why it’s important to make sure every acne product you buy to treat cystic acne, or even any other type of acne, is really 100% natural. A lot of products are “natural” but not all of them are really chemical free.

Secondly this product has the added bonus of working with your body, to eliminate the causes of cystic, and not just “burn” away your acne for a couple of weeks, which would only make it worse in the long run anyway.

Not only that but I’ve used this product over and over, and I myself am a living testament to the fact is works. I think that should sell the product alone. However even if your not satisfied there’ll still give you a refund, because they’re that confident. At the place I buy it from anyway. But I’ll give you the link later so you’ll be in on the good stuff as well.

So what’s this magical cure you swear by?

My usual acne product. A lot of people email me asking about what I’d recommend for this or that type of acne, but at the end of the day most acne is caused by the same stuff, so it make sense to use the same treatment.

For those of you not in the know, my usual product is Acnezine, Check it out here to get in on their 100% guarantee: AcneZine Store

Hope that helps those of you who have been asking!

Brian J Clarke

Acne, Blackheads and natural treatment: The natural product that keeps me acne free

A lot of people have been asking what I use to treat blackheads, and how to get rid of them. And although it may come as a surprise, I use the exact same product to treat my regular acne spots and my blackheads. After all they’re all caused by the same thing at the end of the day. Let me tell you why I use what I use. Read on.

Because it’s a natural solution. That’s all. No big secret, just common sense (or it is if your in the know)

My natural product works with the body to clear my existing acne (and blackheads) and keep me acne free for the long haul. Not only that, but because it’s working with my body, it’s keeping it healthy on the inside and the outside.

Another thing to note about my product is 100% natural, so none of those chemicals most other products are stuffed with. I don’t want to make my acne worse after all. Acne products that contain chemicals, although working in the short term, overall cause your acne to come back with a vengeance.

So what’s the product?

If you regularly read my posts you should already know, but for those that don’t:


That’s all, check it out if you’ve still struggling with your acne or blackheads. It’s just the logical approach really. Take a look.

Sunday, 1 June 2008

“How do I get rid of old acne scars?” – Woah! Wait Just a second!

I’ve been receiving a few emails regarding this very question.

“How do I get rid of old acne scars?”

But let me stop you right there! I think a lot of you are working backwards on this one. Its very expensive, and rather hard to actually get rid of old acne scars.. Although very doable (don’t get me wrong now) but there’s a much more efficient solution to the entire problem.

“What’s that then?”

If you look at the big picture, it’d be much easier to just prevent the scars in the first place. And that’s gold right there. You might not realise it now.. but stop and think about it for a second. If you just prevent that acne that’s causing you social embarrassment from leaving scars in the first place, then you avoid the whole situation.

I’m going to dispel a myth right here. You can have acne, bad acne, even horrible acne. But that doesn’t mean it has to leave scars.

What you need to do is use a treatment that helps prevent the inflammation (the cause of scars), and you’ll be scar free for the rest of your acne life.

Now it’s rather hard to tell, from just looking at the label of a product, if it’s going to actually do this, so I can’t simply give you a list of products to choose from.

But I can give you one solution.

Luckily, by pure chance, I discovered a product that prevents scarring all by itself. Now I don’t know if this was intentional, or if it’s just a lucky side effect, but it reduces inflammation entirely. And more importantly, stops my acne leaving scars.

So instead of asking “How do I get rid of old acne scars” instead ask “How can I prevent acne scars in the first place” and to do that, just find a product similar to mine that will prevent inflammation.

Here’s a link to that product in case your interested :)

Prevent your acne from leaving scars - Give it a look!

Hope that helps

Brian Clarke.