Friday, 18 April 2008
Heal Acne Scars Fast, with these 5 Top Tips!
But until then i thought i'd fill you in on some essential information - Continuing on from our little acne scars posts. I'm going to give to you 5 tips to help prevent, as well as heal your acne scars fast. So here we go!
Zinc Supplements - Zinc's major benefit is its role in the skin rebuilding process. It helps produce the protein keratin, which helps your body to heal wounds and build new layers of skin. Not only this, but it has several anti-oxidant properties that help get rid of bacteria, which not only helps prevent acne, but also, helps to keep your scars clean, and heal faster.
A handy tip - If you crush zinc supplements, mix them with some moisturizer, and then rub it into your scars, its been proven to help speed up healing. Cool eh?
Don't drink alcohol - Or at the very least, don't drink as much. When you have a wound, your body rushes to repair it with healing cells in the blood. However, if you've been drinking, the alcohol in your blood stream slows the process down, which in turn slows down the whole healing process. So maybe next time your out drinking, consider having a pint of water instead.
Water - Speaking of, your body is made up of a huge amount of water, roughly 80% to be exact. If your bodies running low on water, the healing process if slowed down again. A doubly good reason to drink water.
Stress - When your stressed its been found that you product lower levels of interleukin-beta, which is another essential substance in the wound healing process. Reduce your stress, and up your interleukin-beta, for much faster results.
And finally,
Detoxification - Your body will always be affected by what you put in it, and it often shows via your skin. So for best scar healing results, try eatting a good balanced diet, drinking plenty of water, and avoiding junk food, which will fill your body with that nasty toxins that cause acne in the first place. Do all this and you'll be in much better shape for scar healing.
Hope all those tips helped, i'll be back to you soon with that top secret product review, so keep checking back!
Monday, 14 April 2008
The Best Acne Scar Treatments Reviewed
Wait! Are you sure you've got scars?
Now a word of warning before you read this, some people think they have scars, when infact its just the healing process your skin goes through after a spot. If you have a red mark where a spot once was, then that's just the skin going through its natural healing process, this can actually take 6-12 months before its fully healed and theres several things you can do to treat this. (i'll see if i can write a proper article on this soon) If however after 12 months, you still have a discolouration in your skin, this is a scar.
Okay, what are the treatments?
Right, lets get to the meat of it! Theres several different treatments for real scars. And for best results a combination of them is sometimes used. So here we go:
Collagen injection: This is a substance thats already found naturally in the body. The procedure involves injecting it under the skin, causing it to stretch out. This is good for removing "ice pick scars". The procedure is reletively pain free (just a couple of injections), and doesn't take very long at all. The downsides are, its fairly pricey, and need to be topped up every 6 to 18 months.
Dermabrasion: This is the popular one. Many people champion it as the best cure for acne scars. The process involves a brush moving at high speeds effectively removing the surface layers of the skin. A local anesthetic is required, though surface scars will be removed altogether, and only deep "ice pick" scars will remain. People with darker skin however will require additional treatment, as the demabrasion can cause changes in skin pigmentation.
Microdermabrasion: This uses the same theory as demabrasion, however the process uses aluminium oxide crystals through a vacuum tube to remove only the very top layer of skin, and works on a much smaller scale that dermabrasion. The process often takes several procedures, however its not nearly as effective as dermabrasion.
Laser treatment: This is probably my prefered method. Its quick and painless. The procedure involves shining a high intensity laser at the skin, to vaporize the surface layers. This destroys the scar tissue to leave clear smooth skin. The downside is, you'll be left with sore red skin for a while after the treatment, though it often only takes a single treatment for permanant results. Definately worth it in my opinion.
Chemical Peels: Involves using a solution of chemicals to burn away the outter layers of skin to reveal clear under layers of skin. Different strengths are available, and post-process healing can take up to 3 weeks.
Now they're the major treatments, i'll do a separate article on each one in the future, with plenty of pictures, so keep checking back :)
If you want to avoid scars altogether, the key is to treat your acne fast! For that i will always recommend AcneZine
Sunday, 13 April 2008
How to prevent Acne Scars
What exactly is a scar?
Well basically, scars are caused when the skin tissue gets damaged. Imagine someone smashes your window, and you have to repair it. Now unless your a professional window fitter (lets assume your not :P) your not going to have the tools or the supplies to do it. So you'll find say some cardboard and tape and patch it up best you can till the repair men arrive. Thats kind of like what happens when you scar. The skins been damaged so your body rushes over to repair it with whatever it has, often leaving a bit of a mess. Hence a scar.
So how do we prevent it oh wise one!?
Okay, i may not be wise, but i'll tell you what you can do. Its hard to judge how scars will affect different people, but the main thing you need to do, is treat your acne as quick as possible, because theres not alot you can really do after its already happened. The main thing you need to try and do is prevent redness, and inflammation. The more you do that, the more you'll reduce scaring. So heres a few things you can do right now to stop redness and inflammtion:
- 1. When washing your face, don't scrub hard, just gently clean it.
- 2. Try not to put makeup on area's affected by acne. If you must, use waterbased products.
- 3. Definately don't pick/pop/squeeze/or in any way play with your spots.
- 4. When treating your acne, try to use natural products. More chemicals = More inflamation
- 5. When shaving try to do it AFTER you shower, and with an electric razor. Avoiding irritating your acne is paramount to reducing scars.
Thats all for now, i'll be putting a post up later with how you can treat scars. And remember i always recommed AcneZine for fast natural acne treatment.
Brian Clarke.
Saturday, 12 April 2008
How to treat acne now with these 5 home remedies!
Suffering from acne is perhaps one of the most demoralizing things about being a teenager. Infact 70% of all teenagers at any given time are suffering from acne. As you might suspect there many acne treatments on the market, however not all of them can be used at home, right now. Basic things such as water, exercise, make-up, and sleeping can affect the severity of your acne, and this article will explore how you can effectively fight your acne right now, with my top 5 use at home methods!
Acne is caused by toxins building up in your body, which cause spots as they are flushed out of your body and onto the surface of your skin. It is important to understand the cause of acne, because we don’t want to just remove just the side effects (spots), but prevent it altogether.
Tip #5
Water can effectively treat your acne build up, seriously. This is because it keeps the blood healthy, and its your blood cells which fight the bacteria which can build up and cause spots on your skin. So make sure you drink plenty opf H2O!
Exercise. Now I know not everyone’s going to like this one, but I’m not talking about 10 mile runs or anything like that. Just simple regular exercise will do. As soon as you break a sweat, your acne has been treated. Basically, the perspiration caused by exercise releases all those nasty toxins that cause acne. So just do some simple exercise and make sure to get a shower afterwards to keep your skin clean, and help your acne.
Tip #3
This ones for girls. As an acne sufferer you should make sure the make-up you use is acne friendly, there are plenty of chemicals in most makeup’s that can irritate the skin and create a perfect environment for acne to breed. However, I’d recommend as little make up as possible, because it can clog the pours and that will create an acne invasion. Maybe just a bit of eyeliner? Your all beautiful enough anyway :)
Clean bedding. Make sure you keep your bedding clean, because when you sleep, you’re literally rolling around in your body’s own grease. Although to prevent you changing your bedding every time you sleep, I’d recommend wearing a long sleeved t-shirt to stop acne from your arms spreading to your face.
And finally, tip #1! The ultimate acne remedy!
Okay, okay, so I did cheat here, but this is the absolute best way I’ve experienced to get rid of acne. And it’s with AcneZine. A bit of a cop out I know, but if you are in that 70% that suffer from acne, you really owe it to yourself, to at least have a look. Here’s the link for those interested.
Friday, 11 April 2008
How to get rid of acne in those impossible situations!
"What is this magical Ance Spot Gel!?" I hear you cry. Its my absolute life safer in those situations. Now if you've read my AcneZine review then this will almost seem backwards to what i was telling you there, however, i assure you there is a method to this madness. Basically Acne Spot Gel acts on a spot by spot basis. Rather than generally cleansing your entire face, keeping the entire area clear of acne, this works by tackling the individual spots. Although not a very good way to treat your acne overall, i've found it can save the day if theres just that one spot or two, that you'd really really really like to be non-existant.
Take the other day for example. I'd met a girl, a rather attractive girl i might add ;) Luckily my acne had been behaving itself, and i was feeling confident. Ready to take on the world! Anyway, we chatted for a while, exchanged phone numbers and arranged to meet the next day for a chance to get to know each other better. So i grab my most seductive outfit, and generally tidy myself up, when i notice the biggest spot in the whole world. Right on my nose. I could have just died. I know its not that important, but i was so determined to look good that night. Knowing that no acne treatment works that fast, i accepted failure. However, i threw on some acne spot gel anyway, just so i could end this spot quickly, and hopefully not face the same trauma tomorrow. Fortunately for me though, she had to reshedule for later that night. So i get in my car and when i arrive, to my surprise, whilst i was checking myself out in the mirror one last time, i notice the spot is bearly visable. I was so overjoyed, and dispite the fact it doesn't work in 1 second, it does work.
It probably won't solve world hunger, but it does act in hours! So if your having an impossible day or afternoon, you can still save it with this little product. I think part of the reason it acts so quickly is because its super high strength (though doesn't require a prescription). Oh and another little bonus is its a clear gel, so you can easily just stick a little bit on at work/college/whereever and nobody's any the wiser.
I'd definately recommend you keep a little stash of this about, for emergencies. I like to buy the pack of four, because you get 2 bottles free, and i'm going to be using it all anyway. however they do sell it by the individual bottle as well, so just buy the one if your hesitant. Heres the link, check it out.
Thursday, 10 April 2008
Should you buy AcneZine?
If your reading this, then chances are you've had the same experience I've had with many acne products, far too many promises and not enough results. The problem is though, that most acne products on the market focus on treating the acne you already have, and don't actually work to prevent you breaking out again. AcneZine however, works on a different, more effective system. Is it worth your money though? Read on.
Whats so special about this product?
The way AcneZine actually works, is completely different from the standard remedies you'd be able to buy at the shops. They work on curing your acne, on a spot by spot basis. Alternatively though, AcneZine actually gets deep down into your pores and kills the bacteria before spots are even visible. So not only does it clear existing acne, but also doubles to prevent future acne.
Whats your experience with it?
Since i was a teenager I've struggled with acne, and although I'm managing to keep it under control now, that wasn't always the case. I used to suffer from depression, due to insecurity over my looks, ultimately caused by my acne. I tried pretty much every different treatment i could get my hands on, and with no results, i even almost went for laser surgery! The problem was though, nothing seemed to work at all, and even the ones that did work slightly, always left my skin a certain combination of sore, dry and flaky. That's when i decided to try AcneZine. It cleared up my acne, and in a few days it was hard to tell i was ever had it!
I really can't recommend this product enough, its worked magically for me. The only downside is though, that you have to apply it twice daily to keep up the results, but a small price to pay i think.
What if i don't like it?
Oh and Finally as if you needed more reasons to go check it out, theres even a 90-day money back guarantee, in case your not completely satisfied. If that's not risk free, i don't know what is. Go check it out now>>