Sunday, 13 April 2008

How to prevent Acne Scars

Ever wondered why some acne sufferers recover from their acne and their face is completely perfect, whilst others treat their acne, and remain covered in scars just as bad as their acne itself? Its confusing i know. But here i am once again to inform you why acne scars occur, and how to prevent them. Read on.

What exactly is a scar?

Well basically, scars are caused when the skin tissue gets damaged. Imagine someone smashes your window, and you have to repair it. Now unless your a professional window fitter (lets assume your not :P) your not going to have the tools or the supplies to do it. So you'll find say some cardboard and tape and patch it up best you can till the repair men arrive. Thats kind of like what happens when you scar. The skins been damaged so your body rushes over to repair it with whatever it has, often leaving a bit of a mess. Hence a scar.

So how do we prevent it oh wise one!?

Okay, i may not be wise, but i'll tell you what you can do. Its hard to judge how scars will affect different people, but the main thing you need to do, is treat your acne as quick as possible, because theres not alot you can really do after its already happened. The main thing you need to try and do is prevent redness, and inflammation. The more you do that, the more you'll reduce scaring. So heres a few things you can do right now to stop redness and inflammtion:

  • 1. When washing your face, don't scrub hard, just gently clean it.

  • 2. Try not to put makeup on area's affected by acne. If you must, use waterbased products.

  • 3. Definately don't pick/pop/squeeze/or in any way play with your spots.

  • 4. When treating your acne, try to use natural products. More chemicals = More inflamation

  • 5. When shaving try to do it AFTER you shower, and with an electric razor. Avoiding irritating your acne is paramount to reducing scars.

Thats all for now, i'll be putting a post up later with how you can treat scars. And remember i always recommed AcneZine for fast natural acne treatment.

Brian Clarke.