Suffering from acne is perhaps one of the most demoralizing things about being a teenager. Infact 70% of all teenagers at any given time are suffering from acne. As you might suspect there many acne treatments on the market, however not all of them can be used at home, right now. Basic things such as water, exercise, make-up, and sleeping can affect the severity of your acne, and this article will explore how you can effectively fight your acne right now, with my top 5 use at home methods!
Acne is caused by toxins building up in your body, which cause spots as they are flushed out of your body and onto the surface of your skin. It is important to understand the cause of acne, because we don’t want to just remove just the side effects (spots), but prevent it altogether.
Tip #5
Water can effectively treat your acne build up, seriously. This is because it keeps the blood healthy, and its your blood cells which fight the bacteria which can build up and cause spots on your skin. So make sure you drink plenty opf H2O!
Exercise. Now I know not everyone’s going to like this one, but I’m not talking about 10 mile runs or anything like that. Just simple regular exercise will do. As soon as you break a sweat, your acne has been treated. Basically, the perspiration caused by exercise releases all those nasty toxins that cause acne. So just do some simple exercise and make sure to get a shower afterwards to keep your skin clean, and help your acne.
Tip #3
This ones for girls. As an acne sufferer you should make sure the make-up you use is acne friendly, there are plenty of chemicals in most makeup’s that can irritate the skin and create a perfect environment for acne to breed. However, I’d recommend as little make up as possible, because it can clog the pours and that will create an acne invasion. Maybe just a bit of eyeliner? Your all beautiful enough anyway :)
Clean bedding. Make sure you keep your bedding clean, because when you sleep, you’re literally rolling around in your body’s own grease. Although to prevent you changing your bedding every time you sleep, I’d recommend wearing a long sleeved t-shirt to stop acne from your arms spreading to your face.
And finally, tip #1! The ultimate acne remedy!
Okay, okay, so I did cheat here, but this is the absolute best way I’ve experienced to get rid of acne. And it’s with AcneZine. A bit of a cop out I know, but if you are in that 70% that suffer from acne, you really owe it to yourself, to at least have a look. Here’s the link for those interested.