Friday, 11 April 2008

How to get rid of acne in those impossible situations!

If your an acne sufferer like me, then i'm sure you've had those cringe worthy moments where nothing is going right. You get home, all in a panic, contemplating the best way to get ready in 5 seconds, when you turn to look in the mirror and all you see is a great big giant spot. Oh god. Game over. Normally i like to just use AcneZine to keep my skin clear and under control, however, in these impossible situations i need to pull out my secret weapon. Acne spot gel.

"What is this magical Ance Spot Gel!?" I hear you cry. Its my absolute life safer in those situations. Now if you've read my AcneZine review then this will almost seem backwards to what i was telling you there, however, i assure you there is a method to this madness. Basically Acne Spot Gel acts on a spot by spot basis. Rather than generally cleansing your entire face, keeping the entire area clear of acne, this works by tackling the individual spots. Although not a very good way to treat your acne overall, i've found it can save the day if theres just that one spot or two, that you'd really really really like to be non-existant.

Take the other day for example. I'd met a girl, a rather attractive girl i might add ;) Luckily my acne had been behaving itself, and i was feeling confident. Ready to take on the world! Anyway, we chatted for a while, exchanged phone numbers and arranged to meet the next day for a chance to get to know each other better. So i grab my most seductive outfit, and generally tidy myself up, when i notice the biggest spot in the whole world. Right on my nose. I could have just died. I know its not that important, but i was so determined to look good that night. Knowing that no acne treatment works that fast, i accepted failure. However, i threw on some acne spot gel anyway, just so i could end this spot quickly, and hopefully not face the same trauma tomorrow. Fortunately for me though, she had to reshedule for later that night. So i get in my car and when i arrive, to my surprise, whilst i was checking myself out in the mirror one last time, i notice the spot is bearly visable. I was so overjoyed, and dispite the fact it doesn't work in 1 second, it does work.

It probably won't solve world hunger, but it does act in hours! So if your having an impossible day or afternoon, you can still save it with this little product. I think part of the reason it acts so quickly is because its super high strength (though doesn't require a prescription). Oh and another little bonus is its a clear gel, so you can easily just stick a little bit on at work/college/whereever and nobody's any the wiser.

I'd definately recommend you keep a little stash of this about, for emergencies. I like to buy the pack of four, because you get 2 bottles free, and i'm going to be using it all anyway. however they do sell it by the individual bottle as well, so just buy the one if your hesitant. Heres the link, check it out.